The Groove Parenting Blog


5 Reasons Why Your Child Won’t Poop in the Potty Dec 13, 2023

Can you guess what the most common potty problem is? Not pooping in the potty. Most often, when parents reach out to me, their child is on the...

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Signs Your Child is Ready for Potty Coaching Oct 12, 2023

Has your child resisted potty training? Is your child totally fine staying in diapers? As a mom of 3 and early child educator, I have seen children...

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A Common Potty Training Mistake Parents Make Oct 04, 2023

Getting your child to go to the bathroom can be filled with angst, power struggles, and fears. I get it. I’ve been there too. Especially when...

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Why Gentle Potty Coaching FITS ALL – Hint: It’s not one size Sep 26, 2023

I just finished coaching parents of a neurodivergent child through a successful transition from diapers to underwear. When I first met with them...

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1 Tip to Ease Back to School Separation Anxiety Aug 07, 2023

It’s easy to push off the imminent back to school rush as we soak up the late summer sunsets and “past your bedtime” jaunts....

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4 Ways to Avoid Potty Power Struggles Aug 06, 2023

You can’t squeeze it out of them.

Here’s a common scenario parents share with me -

Parent: “Sweetheart, go use the potty.”...

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4 Ways You Save With a Gentle Potty Coach Jul 28, 2023

 How many times do we try to DIY and the end result did not meet our goal? It is frustrating to spend time and money on something and then...

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What is School Readiness? Part 1 May 08, 2023

This is an important question when families are considering Kindergarten programs, and even toddler and nursery programs. As my fellow New Yorkers...

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When Reward Systems Work – And When They Don’t! May 01, 2023

Here’s a story my fellow NYCers can relate to:

I awoke to my 5-year-old shrieking in the bathroom. Why? There was one of those horrifying...

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Getting Organized Doesn't Mean Pretty Containers Apr 17, 2023

First, let me explain my vision of an organized home:

1. Everything has a place.

2. You have what you need and use (in other words, clutter is...

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Responsibilities, Not Chores Apr 11, 2023

What kind of feeling do you have about the word chore? For me, it’s a negative, sinking feeling. I consider a chore a task I don’t want...

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Liz's Little Time/Big Impact Tips for School Readiness Mar 14, 2023

Are you ready to spend just a little of your time for big impact? Keep reading and you’ll learn a few of my everyday tips to build your...

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Liz Lowy

[email protected]