Signs Your Child is Ready for Potty Coaching
Oct 12, 2023
Has your child resisted potty training? Is your child totally fine staying in diapers? As a mom of 3 and early child educator, I have seen children respond differently using the potty.
Here are 2 examples.
Response 1: When my second son was barely 3 weeks old, my oldest declared he was finished with diapers and ripped it off triumphantly. There were many accidents, and I remember a moment where I was helping my toddler use a NYC park bathroom while also holding my newborn in a tiny, not so clean stall. Ugh.
Response 2: A 3-year-old in a preschool classroom showed no interest in using the classroom toilet. The parents reported that he was happy to wear a diaper, cooperated during diaper changes, and when they suggested potty training he politely declined the offer.
So how do we find some middle ground?
With Gentle Potty Coaching, I like to ask parents this question: “Is your child capable of learning new potty skills?” When we ask if the child is “ready,” sometimes we are waiting for the child to tell us. Guess what, sometimes parents be the ones to tell the child they are ready for potty training.
Make sure to check out my Potty Training Readiness Checklist to help you!
A child does not have to show interest for successful potty coaching. A child should be capable of learning new skills.
Here are some scripts we use during the preparation phase of Gentle Sleep Coaching:
“What is pee and poop? Our stomach is like a washing machine, food goes inside, our body takes all the good stuff out and makes it into energy. The rest becomes poop. Pee is when the extra liquid we drink comes out.”
“This is a potty and yours is small and on the floor. When your body is ready you can use the big one like us.”
“If you want to, you can sit on it.”
“Soon your body will learn how to put its pee and poop inside of it!”
© 2022 The Gentle Sleep Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
Make the potty area inviting – include a basket of books or fidget toys and some pictures on the wall. Explain that those items are for when they practice sitting on the potty.