Beyond the Clock: Why Wake Windows Don’t Guarantee Baby Sleep
Apr 19, 2024
Following wake windows sounds appealing but do they work? There’s a clear framework to follow – no gray areas. Look at your baby’s age, follow the wake windows, and voila! You have a baby who’s sleeping 12 hours a night. WRONG!
This recent article in Romper reminded me that all the energy around wake windows and schedules contributes to parents’ feelings of failure and frustration.
Repeat after me: Babies are all different, babies are not robots, what works for one baby may not work for your baby.
Wake windows are important to pay attention to because they are one piece of your baby’s sleep development.
Wake windows are rooted in some sleep science. They revolve around sleep pressure, circadian rhythm, and the baby’s development (based on age). However, as stated in the Romper article, there doesn’t seem to be any scientific evidence that following wake windows help babies and toddlers sleep better. In a quick search online, I noticed many parents complaining of the rigid schedules and tracking that one must manage when following an infants wake windows.
It sounds like we are diminishing a parents’ ability to rely on their intuition with this abundance of information from so called “experts.” Gentle Sleep Coaching on the other hand, is ALL about helping the parent tap into their intuition with specific strategies and methods that are responsive to the child and family. And as a result, you’ll gain parenting tools that will carry you through future challenges and hurdles – including sleep regressions and life transitions.
I love The Sleep Lady®’s FAST approach for newborns. You will learn so much about your infant! Anticipating your infant needs will be helpful when your baby begins to learn new self-settling skills.
Fast stands for:
To learn more check out The Sleep Lady®’s Gentle Newborn Sleep Guide
- Use my Sample Schedules as a framework for your child.
- Be a ‘sleepy cue’ detective and note the first sign of sleepiness. Does it align with a general routine for your child?
- If you are unable to pinpoint sleepy cues, you may have a child with an alert and active temperament. These babies can be more difficult to get to sleep! Reach out for a Complimentary Call.