Travel Tips So You and Your Baby Can Get More Sleep
Nov 20, 2023
Are you traveling during the upcoming holiday season? Whether you’re visiting family or flying solo with your child, I’m sharing simple steps that will help everyone rest.
You may just want to pass the baby off and finally relax into the long weekend. Well the good news is that if your baby already has a routine, you can offer that same consistency on the road. Things may not go perfectly, but gentle sleep coaching is all about adapting to your baby’s needs and cues. . . and if you’ve learned to “read” your baby then use that as your guide!
There are a few other tips that can help – and, it doesn’t mean recreating your baby’s exact home experience.
Setting and sharing our expectations with family can set the tone for our getaway – all for the better!
Gone are the days when we can jump around at the last minute. While we don’t need to schedule every part of our day, we do need to consider the framework of the day and allow for meeting the needs of our baby. With that said, consider how to share your baby’s needs and accommodate for other family/travel plans.
Check out the Black Friday deal on this travel white noise maker!
Here is my all time favorite lovey by Angel Dear.
My overall tip is to be CONSISTENT. This means create an environment and responsiveness that is like what you do at home.
More tips:
- Create a sleep friendly environment. Travel with a white noise maker. I have a great app on iPad as well. Black garbage bags and masking tape have saved us from windows that let light in. If your baby uses a lovey, pacifier or sleep sack make sure to pack those in your carry on!
- Fill your child’s daytime sleep tank! You don’t want your child to be too awake at bedtime, and you also don’t want an overtired child. When your child has not had enough sleep during the day, cortisol is released hence the phrase “second wind.” While traveling, you probably can’t ensure all naps are in your travel crib or in a quiet, dark room. Get them their sleep anyway possible – motion induced, contact naps, or in a car.
- Don’t play pass the baby after 4 PM. You baby needs to decompress and be regulated before bedtime. If you must join happy hour, leave the baby with the grandparents to chill and regulate before bedtime.
- Stick to your child’s routine and framework as much as possible. I’m not talking minute by minute (especially if you’ll be changing time zones), but children are generally happier when there is predictability they can count on. Look for the sleep cues and signs so you can get them to sleep before they get overstimulated or overtired.
If you are traveling and want a personalized plan for this holiday season reach out! Schedule a discovery call today at