Pro Tips for Sleep Training in New York City
Mar 19, 2024
Space constraints, sirens, truck noises, neighbors and work demands become major paint points when raising babies in New York City.
Okay, there are incredible perks to city living: Abundance of different playgrounds, variety of cultural experiences, various neighborhoods, and free family-friendly events – just to name a few.
As a pediatric sleep consultant, I’ve heard common challenges among city families. Read on for urban struggles and tips to help!
SPACE - Room sharing is a common occurrence in NYC, whether it’s the parents sharing with their infant or siblings sharing rooms. I hear worries about the younger sibling waking the older up. I also see infants who have difficulty settling and sleeping when their parent is visible, sleeping right next to them!
Tip: Sleep shape and sleep coach at bedtime when there is less risk of waking others. During night wakings do whatever is need to get the infant back to sleep. Your baby will start to learn skills during the bedtime coaching that will help with night wakings.
SCHEDULE – As much as we tell ourselves to slow down, city life and all that it offers calls to us. With so much at our fingertips, it’s hard to decline and so no to events, dinners, shows etc. Furthermore, if we were living in the city before we had a child, we forget that our new life as parents might mean slowing down.
Tip: Maintain a regular routine as much as possible with your baby. Try to have the morning (and even the midday) nap at home in their familiar sleep space.
DUAL WORKING PARENTS – Yup, living in the city is expensive! Two incomes are often needed to afford the city life. I remember the days when my family had to rush out the door in the morning and the feeling of being in a washing machine all day – moving from work to home with my three littles. I was a busy mama!
Most of the families I worked with while I was an Education Director for 10+ years had dual working parents. My school was essentially their childcare while they went to work, and their flexibility was limited. I often see parents who need enough energy to be productive at work AND be attentive at home when they are with their child. Not easy!
Tip: Find your pain points and solve for them!
If your pain point is sleep then work a Gentle Sleep Coach.
If you need some self-care time then hire a babysitter a few hours a week.
If you want to exercise then maybe your partner can do the morning shift 2x/week.
Button – check out morning routine guide
LIMITED FAMILY NEARBY – In NYC, we are fortunate to have a diverse population. Families move here from overseas, often for professional or educational reasons. Sometimes it is a temporary move where the timing works out to be right when they start a family. I always consider this a great adventure for people – but the real challenge is not having family nearby. Extended family is one of the greatest emotional and childcare supports so it’s understandable that international families feel even more depleted and tired.
Tip: Find a community and let that be your family.
There are so many incredible communities in NYC, from facebook groups, to in person parent support groups, daycares or schools, religious groups, and even play groups.