Beware of This Claim! “Potty Train in 3 Days.”
Apr 16, 2024
You should not expect potty training to take 3 days. This claim may cause stress and shame for families.
Of course there are always disclaimers and information related to the statement. Sometimes there is a book, a digital course or a video recording that goes along with the potty training method.
But, when parents see that claim it sounds so appealing. Talk about marketing!
The tough part is that when their child has not learned to use the potty in a number of days, they feel like a failure. Blame, shame, anxiety, stress - all the feels come up.
My hope is to spread a hefty does of reality to families so they can set their expectations, resulting in more compassion when they connect with their child.
Here’s my claim: It’s Never too Early to Start the Potty Coaching Process
In my world, potty coaching does not begin when you toss the diapers. There are so many ways to start the process while keeping your child in diapers or pull-ups. Saying goodbye to diapers can be an emotionally and physically straining task for your child. Set them up for success with the Gentle Potty Coaching approach.
Try these tips before ditching the diapers:
- Model the toilet process
- Describe how it feels when your bladder is full and empty
- Observe your child’s body language around needing to pee and poop
- Have a floor potty available when you change their diaper