Minimizing Vacation Chaos

Mar 21, 2023

In my family, we often acknowledge the reality that traveling with our young kids is not really a vacation, it's actually a trip. The planning, packing, feeding, schlepping. . . it is utterly exhausting. I'll admit - it is way easier now that my boys can lug their own bags and are pretty self sufficient on the plane (plugged in of course!).

Over the years, I've developed a few organizational strategies that have helped the hurdles of being out of routine and not having our home environment specifically set up for our family.

  1. Packing Cubes - Each child has about 2 cubes so they can easily find their own clothes. This helps them be more independent with the packing process too.
  2. Makeshift Hamper - I use a large bag (Fresh Direct works well) and show the boys where it will stay. This minimizes mess and helps keep dirty clothes in one space.
  3. Personalized Backpacks - Each backpack has items they choose including a small pack of wipes, a snack bag, water bottle, workbook, device and headphones. I recommend a set of extra clothes too (I once spilled cold coffee all over my son).
  4. Visible Schedule - There are some days or school breaks where we have a staycation. Even when we are traveling or if we make last minute plans, it helps to write down or review a schedule of the day. This helps the boys know what to expect, and reassures them that they will have fun!

Have other ideas? Share them in the comments!


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